Complex Carbohydrates
The key to maximum energy uptake
During athletic activity your body depends on your glycogen stores as its primary source of energy, and to a lesser degree on your body fat. Fat is an inefficient fuel source in comparison and therefore you are not able to achieve optimum performance when relying on fat as a significant source of energy. During endurance sports this raises a dilemma because your glycogen stores are limited in how much they can hold.
Fortunately there is a third source of energy – blood sugar. The beauty of energy gels is that they are rapidly absorbed in your small intestine, thus providing energy in the form of blood sugar that can supplement your glycogen stores. However, not all energy gels are created equal, and if you want to achieve optimum performance then it is important to use a product that will deliver maximum energy to your body while also maintaining proper hydration and electrolyte balance. The key to maximizing energy is complex carbohydrates.
When selecting an energy gel, don’t just look at the calorie count – look at the carbohydrate sources. Because of the way energy gels are absorbed by your body, you should look for high levels of complex carbohydrates. e-Gel derives 82% of it’s carbohydrate energy from complex carbohydrates (maltodextrin), significantly more than GU and other gels.
For a more detailed explanation of why you get more energy with complex carbs, watch this short video:
video: complex carbs vs. sugars