Keith Castleton
Figuring out how to stay hydrated, not get upset stomach and prevent muscle cramps during long runs and races has been one of my biggest challenges. In the past my muscles would ache and twitch and cause me a lot of pain after long runs. I came across e-Gel energy gels this summer used them during the Top Of Utah Marathon, took 17 minutes off my previous marathon PR and easily qualified for Boston.
Todd Houston
I competed in my first Sprint triathlon using only e-Fuel and e-Gel products. They went down incredibly easily, and didn’t give me that sickly feeling the high sugar products do, when you are going all out. When setting up for transition, the e-Fuel mixed perfectly (even in the 40deg F weather), and tasted great; not to sweet. Took a Cherry Bomb gel in on the bike …
Birk Billingsley
I have a relatively sensitive stomach, particularly with the high-sugar content found in virtually all other electrolyte gel/drink products. With Crank products, I find myself spending less time in the porta-potty and more time out on the course. Once more folks find out about your product, I have no doubt it will become the dominant leader in the field. Two thumbs way up!
Matt Bartz
I just used e-gel as one of my primary energy sources in my first 100 mile trail run and had great results! I never felt sick and had even energy throughout the event. I have used this product through numerous Ironman Triathlons, 50mile, 50k,100k, and now a 100 mile ultra with success. It goes down easily and the convenient pouch makes it easy for ME to control my nutrition throughout races. I know what I am getting, and it works with predictable excellence every time.
Shaun Gallagher
After having difficulty in races where my gastric system would ‘lock up’, I found that I simply couldn’t handle gels and electrolyte pills frequently enough to support my needs. The calorie content and large amount of electrolytes in e-Fuel were a perfect balance for my training and racing needs. Because e-Fuel mixes fast and easy, it was easier for me to increase the concentration without worrying about trying to swallow a thick, clumpy drink.
At Ironman Wisconsin I raced with 2 bottles of 4x concentrated e-Fuel (800+ calories per bottle) on the bike as my primary nutrition. Using eFuel helped me surpass my goal and register a 13 hour finish time with no cramping or stomach problems.
Steve Muchnick
I started using e-Gel during my training for the Marine Corps Marathon. I had tried (and gave up on) other gels because my stomach couldnt’ handle the heavy consistency, and also because they just didn’t seem to add very much edge to my performance.
A running club friend suggested I give e-Gel a try. Running in the typical East Coast summer heat and humidity this summer, I couldn’t help but feel the immediate bounce from e-Gel – for some reason it absorbs faster than anything else I’ve tried. I decided to buy a box and go with the Crank PR guarantee, and I went through the remainder of my training season with e-Gel. During that time I easily PR’s a half-marathon and saw training times steadily improving.
My run at the Marine Corps Marathon went very well, and I did PR, so I won’t be getting the free box of e-Gel. Oh, well, I guess I’ll just have to buy another one when I start training in January for my first trip to Boston!
Michael Voelker
I was introduced to e-Gel by a fellow marathoner after I ran the Madison marathon in May. During the Madison race, as in others, I had problems with dehydration. I know I lose a lot of salt in a long race, but sports drinks don’t agree with my stomach. Only being able to drink water, it was simply impossible to get enough electrolytes with other gels.
This past weekend I ran a 50-mile ultramarathon, the second year I ran the race. Last year, I also had problems with dehydration and muscle cramping. This year, having used e-Gel in training over the summer, I used e-Gel, and ONLY e-Gel, during the race–13 packets of it–with water. Despite the day being about 15 degrees warmer than last year, I managed my hydration well AND cut over an hour off my time by being able to run ‘harder, faster, longer.’ I attribute the better hydration to e-Gel. Also, the larger pack size, and greater calorie count, were both assets during a long race.
Sue F
I was having horrible blood sugar and electrolyte crashes during my long events (half Ironman & half to full marathons). I decided to try to find a new gel and drink with more electrolytes. I found such great success with e-Fuel! No more bonking in the last few miles of my events! One of my friends, who owns a running shoe store, was having similar issues. I told her about e-Fuel and gave her a sample. She didn’t try it for months, claiming a sensitive stomach. Finally, out of desperation, she tried it. She loved it so much, she now carries e-Fuel products in her store! Thanks for success x 2 in the hot, humid summers of Florida!
Edwin Croucher
I am a typical New Yorker. My work schedule rotates weekly and often within a week. I train when I can and not on a set schedule. I decided on a half Iron triathlon as a training goal. I had no coach then or now to help me. I started using e-fuel after my first 1/2 iron Triathlon. I did not have a good plan on how to properly fuel myself during an event. I had moderate success at the race and continued to use the product. I did not use e-gel at all for the first race. I did a lot of reading on products and tried to change my training and race fueling to improve my performance. My performance has improved and I believe these products have had a great deal to do with it. I have contacted Crank both by email and on the telephone. I have received honest and valuable answers. This is a great company. I just completed the Tupper Lake Tinman, a half iron event ….
Eberle Funches
I am currently preparing for my 10th Ironman while living here in Okinawa Japan.
e-Gel gets me through each and every workout, be it 30 minutes or 7 hours. My e-Gel packs are like sacks of gold while I am racing at any distance and they keep me going and going. The flavors are great, they are easy on my stomach and it’s really a treat after miles and miles of training and racing. Becoming the first and only woman to be a 10 time Ironman here on the island is an honor and I owe my nutritional success to Crank Sports year after year.