Joe Delgado

I have had problems with products in the past being too sweet and souring my stomach. I really like the e-Gel in that it has more calories, electrolytes, and it is easy on the stomach. I live in Tucson, AZ and the e-Gel has 230mg of sodium and 85mg of Potassium. It helps balance out all the water I have to drink during my longer workouts.
Claudia Brewer
I tried eGel for the first time this weekend on my long run. I absolutely loved it. I had no adverse stomach issues. The flavors are fantastic! Thank you for such a great product! 🙂
Melissa Lofton
I am one of those people who is funny about taste and texture, not to add a weak stomach. I tried e-Gel as a recommendation from one of my friends … I have been a loyal customer for over 2 years. It is true when they say you don’t hit that brick wall and they don’t upset your stomach. I am not drained at the end of a 15 mile training run and recovery is nothing like it used to be prior to using e-Gels.
I’m not one to typically use these type of supplements but the weather made me nervous about bonking. With e-Fuel, I never got that empty feeling. My energy was consistent throughout my workout. The taste was fine, not overpowering in any way. And I didn’t experience any nausea or gi problems that often accompany these type of products.
Vicki Griffin
I am an Ironman distance, age grouper triathlete trying to qualify for Kona. Nutrition has always been a struggle… stomach issues, etc…. I used e-Fuel and e-Gel on my last 70.3, had no stomach issues, and won my age group.
Jeff Rommel
I broke the golden rule and tried e-Gel for the first time on race day. I ran the Houston Marathon and it was a great experience – no stomach issues and no muscle cramping. Water in my bottle and an e-Gel every hour got me through the race. I’m not the fastest runner, but I set a PR!
Mike A
Excellent products. Terrific customer service!
I came across the e-Fuel at the Surf City Marathon in California in 2013. I have been a avid user since. The taste is great – it’s not a sticky sweet product. It mixes faster than any other nutrition product. With e-Fuel, I know exactly what I’m getting during multi-hour events. It’s light on the stomach and consistently refreshing. I’ve tried many products over the years and typically get tired of a product after a while; three years and I’m still lovin’ it!
Customer service shipments to Maryland has always been quick and responsive.
David Brumley
I am an immunodeficient triathlete who has gone through just about every product on the market. My body has difficulty with nutrition absorption and GI distress. After a successful long bike ride (6 hours) without problems during or after I used it on my next race. The results were amazing. My first AG win without any issues or drop in energy late into the race.
Sarah Barron
Newer to long distance running (trails) I have wrestled with being able to fuel, stay hydrated and not puke at or near the end of any distance run after the 21+ mile mark. Nothing would stay down. I have a long time competitive cylcing background and never had fuel/stomach issues. After reading loads of related articles and trying every product out there by the top names in ultra distance event fuels I was coming to the conclusion this was just my draw. After using your product on a 50K (Shadow of the Giants) and in the prepatory training, I believe I have found my product! Yay, and thank you Crank Sports.
Diane Cornale
Finally found a product that allows me to drink only water and not the gatorade type beverages that make me nauseated during a marathon…Using this product allowed me to run and qualify for Boston in 2006 and I have not used another product since.