athlete sponsorships
Like most other things, when it comes to athlete sponsorships we do things a bit different than our competitors.
The problem with sponsorships is that you can’t say yes to everyone, and it can be so hard to say no. Rather than picking who should be sponsored and who gets turned down, we decided it would be far better to come up with a program that allows anyone and everyone to participate. Traditional sponsorship programs are limited to elite athletes and those that have the potential to influence lots of other athletes. To us that doesn’t make much sense – if an athlete has the ability to spread the word about our products (to a large group or to just a few people) then they should be able to be rewarded accordingly.
our solution
learn more and get started
Enjoy! – Mike

Mike Mathewson
Crank Sports, Inc.
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energy gel litter
Littering is a problem, but we’ll never put a litter leash on packs of e-Gel. They’re a bad idea, read why.
dealing with injuries
I like to say that there’s two types of athletes: those that are injured and those that will be. Here’s how I’ve dealt with this unfortunate truth through my career.
how we develop new flavors
We have a different view on flavors than our competitors and it’s a big deal that often gets overlooked.
my background:
I have been a competitive endurance athlete the majority of my life and and a technology entrepreneur as my day job. I received a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Hampshire, an MBA from Pepperdine University and began studying sports nutrition in the mid-90’s. After starting, growing and selling two technology companies I decided to turn my passion for endurance sports into my career. Working with a great team of food scientists, I launched Crank Sports, Inc. in 2001. Today I spend much of my time working directly with athletes here at Crank Sports and I try to provide as much education as I can through our learning center.