why we'll never make a "recovery" product
In life it’s usually easy to say “YES”, and not so easy to say “NO”. Does anyone disagree?
In business the same holds true. I have heard from countless number of customers that would love for us to come out with a recovery product. And if we did, I have no doubt that we could sell a boatload of it. If the primary goal of our company was to make as much money as possible, then we would have already launched a recovery product (along with several others products that I’ve said “NO” to). But as strange as it may sound, making money is not something that we focus on. Our singular goal is to make great products (and provide the education) to allow athletes to “be their best”. Period. If we do this job well, then the money part will take care of itself.
so why no recovery product?
Make no mistake, recovery nutrition is a critical part of your training and competition. Shortly after your workout it’s vital to 1) fully hydrate, 2) replenish your carbs stores and 3) get a good source of easily digestible protein to repair and build your muscles.
Both of our products, e-Gel and e-Fuel, are designed to be used immediately prior to and during your training and/or competition. When you are doing anything aerobic, your body wants to shut down or reduce the blood supply to your stomach and GI tract to route more blood and oxygen out to the working muscles. That’s a good thing. What this means is that you want to consume liquid carbs (sports drinks or energy gels with water) that can be rapidly and easily absorbed with minimal digestive requirements. This is the area that we specialize in.
We encourage athletes to avoid consuming fat and protein because they have to be digested and it’s counter productive to your performance. Digestion requires blood that could otherwise be providing oxygen to your working muscles. Note that during ultra type events by definition you are going at a lower intensity level, and in these cases many athletes will choose to supplement with foods that have fats and protein.
However, once you stop your workout (and start recovery), all of the rules change. You don’t have to worry about digestion and you NEED protein. But when you’re stopped there’s no reason to use some expensive “recovery” product. Instead, the entire grocery store becomes an option and you can use real foods that cost less, taste better and are better for you in my opinion.
here's what I do
We will never sell a product that I personally don’t believe in. I’d rather share with you what I do myself!
at home
When I’m home and have access to a blender, I make a recovery smoothie that consists of:
6-8 oz yogurt
1 medium banana
3/4 cup frozen strawberries
protein powder (20+ protein grams)
ice cubes
water as necessary for desired thickness
I don’t actually measure the yogurt or strawberries, but this is the approximate amounts I use. I currently use the Vega plant-based vanilla protein powder, but there’s lots of great products on the market. Trader Joe’s makes one similar to Vega, but I couldn’t stand the taste, I’d rather pay a little more for the Vega and I know it’s a high quality product.
on the road
When I’m on the road or finishing my workout away from home, I recover with a bottle of e-Fuel (it provides the hydration and good complex carbs) and one of my favorite protein bars. Simple, cheap and it works great. There’s no reason to make this more complicated or expensive than it needs to be. However, everyone needs to find what works best for themself, this works great for me!
– Mike

Mike Mathewson
Crank Sports, Inc.
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my background:
I have been a competitive endurance athlete the majority of my life and and a technology entrepreneur as my day job. I received a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Hampshire, an MBA from Pepperdine University and began studying sports nutrition in the mid-90’s. After starting, growing and selling two technology companies I decided to turn my passion for endurance sports into my career. Working with a great team of food scientists, I launched Crank Sports, Inc. in 2001. Today I spend much of my time working directly with athletes here at Crank Sports and I try to provide as much education as I can through our learning center.